bundle.social vs Buffer
Comparision of bundle.social with Buffer.
bundle.social vs Buffer
Listen, the comparison is on our website, so it may feel biased, but we will try to stick to the facts.
When we looked at Buffer’s prices, we were a bit surprised. They had really cheap options that would have priced us out, but then we started reading further.

You see this /for 1 channel note. We initially thought that their “channel” was equivalent to our “team,” but it turns out that:
- 1 channel equals 1 social media platform.
So, just to post to the same 10 social media platforms, it’s 60 dolars (based on the lowest tier subscription) vs. our 20.
Granted, they have options that we don’t offer:
- URL shortening.
- Native app.
- Integration with Mastodon.
However, they also boast about their analytics, which are just repackaged responses from the Facebook API (allegedly).
Why is bundle.social cheaper?
We sleep in bunk-bed.
Why they are better
They are a larger platform with more resources.
Why they are worse
To get the same functionality as us, multiple users etc. you need to pay them:
- 12 dolars per platform, totaling 120 a month.
Overall, we seen worse. They are like a premium coffee and a cigarette before a wedding. Great taste, but not the right timing.
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